Tuesday, July 2, 2024

America is in for a political upheavel of Titanic dimension


By any and all account, the debate between sitting president Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump foreshadows an unimaginable political outcome that will be much worse than choosing the lesser of two evils. 

On the one hand, we have a pathological liar, full of bluster ignoring questions he doesn’t want to answer, just to browbeat a doddering old man seemingly incapable of organizing any kind of response, much less carefully reasoned rebuttal.


The latter is of course Joe Biden, the current president. Next morning, the mainstream media chorus promptly calls for Biden to renounce his candidacy and release the delegates committed to his nomination as the candidate of the Democratic Party. They say he can best serve his country by not serving any longer.


However, Biden’s supporters say any old man on the verge of senility is entitled to a lapse or two. Let him continue his campaign on his record as “one of the best presidents ever.” Presumably, the American voters will be (fingers crossed) discerning enough to see the difference between a doer and a blowhard.


So just what has Biden accomplished in his first term of office (we’ll come to Trump later.)? I would like to count the way.


Biden can claim a strong economy despite inflation and national debt balloon


For investors in the stock market, they applaud Biden for a strong economy as their equity holdings have generally expanded and they happily counted their gains. But the interest rate did not come down and inflation held steady. 


The majority of Americans, perhaps as much as 60%, that are not enriched by Wall Street feels the pain as their costs of living increases beyond their pocketbook. Even households with annual income of $100,000 complain that they can’t keep up.


Biden forgave student loans and handout money to those hurt by Covid and were not gainfully employed. The government handouts buoyed the economy but the federal debt continues to climb skyward, soon to top $35 trillion and annual interest payment will go over $1 trillion.


Biden’s answer to Trump’s make America great again (MAGA) was build back better (BBB). It’s hard to see how Biden’s BBB is outdoing MAGA. Highways are still riddled with potholes, bridges are shaky and trains derail all too frequently.


The homeless people that occupy American cities show no signs of receding. They remain an eyesore, a public health hazard and a blight on supposedly the wealthiest country in the world. Their cries for help do not register on Washington’s decibel meter.


Supposedly, Biden has tightened gun control across the country. Looking at the daily fatality from gun violence and incidences of mass shooting, it’s hard to notice that he has made a difference.


Biden gets F for foreign policy


Biden’s foreign policy can be kindly summarized as an unmitigated disaster. The damage to the U.S. prestige and credibility is epic and beyond recovery.


Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, as Biden’s chief emissary goes around the world, oblivious to his wearing a hospital gown, exhorting everyone to obey “rule based international order.” As he goes by, everyone can see that his international order is whatever he’s defining it to be and ignored when it suits the U.S.


The abrupt, near panic withdraw from Afghanistan left many loyal Afghans that served the American military in a lurch. Biden then promptly froze assets held in America that belonged to the Afghan nation, a surprise and shock to the rest of the world.


After Afghanistan, the Biden team revised their strategy to let others do the fighting for the U.S. Ukraine fighting the proxy war against Russia was a prime example.


Washington encouraged Ukraine to encroach Russian interest since 2014, which was before Biden’s regime. His team encouraged Ukrainian President Zelensky to continue to provoke Russia with promise of arms and money. 


Russian president Putin finally lost patience and invaded Ukraine in February 2022 and now Zelensky is in a pickle. He is down to fighting to the last Ukrainian or sue for peace. Every time during this prolonged war, when Zelensky considered negotiating for ceasefire, the West urged him to continue on. The American reputation as the defender of democracy now rests on Ukraine winning the war.


If Zelensky is not allowed to negotiate for peace, he will need to push for NATO to join the fray. Putin has recently proposed a multipoint settlement for peace which was ignored by the West. He also promised to initiate first use of nuclear weapons if NATO were to enter the war. This is a threat that Biden has blithely ignored until it will be too late for regret.


Russia thrived thanks to Biden’s blunder


Biden thought he dealt Russia a death blow by confiscating their assets held in the U.S. and kick Russia off The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) network thus depriving Russia right to participate in the most popular international payment and settlement system.


Then with the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, Russia was deprived of the EU as its most important customer for their oil and gas. Surely, this is the end of Russia’s economy. Instead, it was the EU economy that tanked when the EU countries lost their access to Russia’s cheap energy.


Russia not only survived but thrived. They turned to new customers such as China and India for their energy exports and they greatly expanded their trade with China and rest of the world. Shortly after Biden’s sanctions against Russia and denying Russia access to the dollar, the Russian economy has exploded to surpass even Japan.


Biden’s move to weaponizing the dollar backfired big time. He has personally destroyed the full faith and credit of the American greenback and most of the world now has de-dollarizing their reserve holding occupy their minds.


At one time Putin thought one of the peace dividends from the end of the Cold War was for Russia to join the European community. Instead, Russia is being embraced by the global community not aligned with the U.S.


Biden’s worse miscalculation has to be his policy with China. Rather than dismantling Trump’s tariff war on imports from China, he double down by imposing more tariffs on goods made in China. China responded with counter tariff of their own and by becoming the number trading nation with 80% of the world.


China has emerged as the world’s leader in electric vehicles (EV) and the technology for batteries for the EV. The wise thing to do is to invite the Chinese companies in to the U.S. to invest in factories and create jobs for Americans.


Instead, Biden has preemptively imposed a 100% tariff on EVs from China, even before China has sold any to the American market. Chinese EV car makers are building assembly plants in Mexico, and Washington will counter with appropriate tariff, notwithstanding the free trade treaty that exists between the U.S. and Mexico.


China is Biden’s worst miscalculation


Biden has insisted that he is not in favor of decoupling with China. Yet he could have a partial loaf of China’s EV and battery technology by insisting on Chinese companies forming partnership with American companies in order to enter the U.S. market. A turnabout of China’s old playbook. Now he gets no loaf.


Allowing low-end Chinese EVs into the U.S. would have given the low-income Americans a chance to own affordable transportation that would enhance their prospect for employment. Proliferation of EVs of any make would help the U.S. meet their commitment for lowering greenhouse gas emission.


Biden is determined to suppress China’s development at any cost, even at great harm to our own economy. Denying access to advanced semiconductor technology has meant American chip makers and chip making equipment companies forego a major part of their revenue. That’s a significant portion of loss sales that will not come back.


Forcing China to go it alone is a big mistake. Even in the 1960’s, an isolated China developed their atomic bomb and quickly followed with the hydrogen bomb on their own. Most recently, they sent a probe to the other side of the moon, extracted samples and safely brought the samples back. No other country has accomplished this feat. 


There is no question that China has the technological prowess to develop the semiconductor technology that they will need. There is no small irony that the Pentagon weaponry depends on China’s supply chain of not so esoteric chips that perhaps nobody else bothers to make anymore. 


Lastly, the American presence in the Middle East under Biden has become a bit of a joke. The mighty carrier, USS Eisenhower, had to hightailed out of the Red Sea to get away from missiles from the Houthis, a rag tag band of fighters that do not even qualify as a tiny national army.


Of course, Biden’s waffling and inability to stop the Gaza genocide has dashed American prestige to smithereens in the eyes of the Arab world. 


More importantly, the strongest segment of the American public protesting the atrocities being inflicted by Israel on the Palestinians is the young voters. Heretofore, the Gen Z has been one of the strongest supporters for Biden. Gaza is likely to keep many at home and not vote.


So, what about candidate Donald Trump? This man is unprecedented in American history. He trampled the U.S. Constitution and violated laws at will. He is a disgrace but the elders of the Republican Party are even more shameful. They kowtow to him because winning is more important than protecting the integrity of the nation.


Were it not for the wheel of justice that grinds at snail pace under the Biden administration, Trump should already be sitting in some federal penitentiary. Now he will be counting on pardoning himself for all criminal activity upon entering the White House again.


What could be worse than Trump as President for life?


How will he perform the second time around? He is someone that believes tax revenue from import tariff as “free money.” Obviously, he will need a lot of help to come up with some rational-sounding domestic and international policies.


Already, Peter Nevermore, nee Navarro, is crowing and claiming credit as the originator of the anti-China policy that has continued on today. With him as the Trump whisperer, we can expect that not much will change in the bilateral relations with China.


Unless Chinese president Xi Jinping invites Trump to China for another official and formal head of state visit. Trump loves the pomp, ceremony and the attention that goes with the oom pah pah—of course the cheeseburger has to be part of the state banquet. He may even propose making the visit an annual event.


The bright side of a Trump presidency, should he deliver on his rhetoric, is to get out of NATO. The war machine would fall apart without U.S. participation and that’s a very good thing.


He has promised to stop the Ukraine war on day one. Not sure how he will go about doing that, but that is also a good thing.


He may decide that sending the U.S. navy to the South China Sea is an unnecessary expense and does not make America great. For that matter, posting American military around the world doesn’t make sense either and he could cut the defense budget by bringing our boys and girls home.


Not sure how he will finesse the Gaza situation since his biggest campaign backer places pro-Israeli interest over American interests.


The dark side of Donald Trump is to declare that he has decided he should serve as the U.S. president for life and the compliant Republican Congress rushes to endorse and the Supreme Court votes 6-3 in affirmation.


There you have it, my fellow Americans. Upon the next election, we will either have to rush in hospice care for one, or we will have the other announcing his cabinet from prison. Egad, can it get any worse than that?


Sunday, March 3, 2024


Published in SingTao Daily <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> and <a href="https://www.singtaousa.com/2024-02-29/美國自動導航進入自毀之途%EF%BC%88下%EF%BC%89/4777055" target="_blank">here</a>.

在聯邦參議院最近的一次聽證會上,來自阿肯色州的參議員科頓(Tom Cotton)顯然很難理解,一個新加坡公民可以長得像中國人,說話像中國人,但卻不是中國共產黨黨員。在科頓對TikTok執行長周受資(Chew Shou Zi)的質詢中,他甚至連周受資的妻兒是美國公民都懷疑。








































《亞洲時報》的戈德曼(David Goldman)寫道:「從blob(外交精英小集團)手中拯救美國的未來」。在我看來,「blob」是一個更形象的說法,指的是在華盛頓發瘋的新保守派以保護國家安全為名在世界各地製造緊張局勢。他們製造的緊張局勢越多,軍工企業拿到的下一代武器訂單就越多。







Thursday, February 29, 2024

America on autopilot to self-inflicted destruction

Firat posted in <a href="https://asiatimes.com/2024/02/america-on-autopilot-to-self-inflicted-destruction/" target="_blank">Asia Times</a>.

At a recent hearing in the US Senate, Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas apparently had trouble understanding that a citizen of Singapore can look like a Chinese, talk like a Chinese and yet not be a member of the Communist Party of China. In Cotton’s questioning of Chew Shou Zi, the chief executive of TikTok, even the fact that Chew’s wife and children are American citizens seemed suspicious to him. 

This was all serious stuff for Cotton and his fellow senators as they probed in the name of safeguarding America’s national security against the looming threat of China. Apparently, Cotton’s Harvard education did not tell him that Singapore is thousands of kilometers from Beijing and is a sovereign nation independent of China. Or maybe he was just grandstanding to cater to the lowbrow mindset of his constituents.

At around the same time, the South China Morning Post reported that Chinese scientists had developed a “game-changing military surveillance device for electronic warfare.” In effect, the paper said, their breakthrough will enable the People’s Liberation Army to find and pinpoint the quadrants of a military target in real time with no place to hide.

This is the latest of a series of technological advances China has made in military arms that indicate it has either caught up with or surpassed the US in weapons development. Others include hypersonic missiles, stealth fighters and drones, advanced launch system on aircraft carriers, and the capacity to build many more naval vessels than the US.

While the US has been busy hunting for spies from the “whole of China” under every bed, China has been investing in hardware and software developments to neutralize American military superiority.

Each time, as China develops a counter to America’s advanced weaponry, this simply feeds US paranoia about China’s threat and causes the Pentagon gnomes to go scurrying for more budget allocations to develop the next-generation killing machine. Thus, you top me and then I will top you for topping me, and the vicious circle goes on.

The strategists and planners in Washington are also very good at creating likely scenarios based on the projection of what the Chinese would do “if I were them.” Some Pentagon generals speculate that the PLA will be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027. Suddenly, the mainland’s intent to invade becomes fact, and alarm bells ring and war preparations are begun. 

Portraying China as a menace is good for business

Of course, positioning China as a menacing threat is good for America’s protection business. Any country that believes in China as a threat becomes a client of the US security protection. The US has more than 800 military bases around the world and needs reasons for having them. 

On the other hand, the world is awakening to the realization that China is not posing a threat to anyone. It brokered a peace agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran and has have established its Belt and Road Initiative with 150 countries. Beijing does not have any military presence outside of China to speak of, unless you count a supply base in Djibouti, and it adheres to non-interference in other countries’ domestic affairs.

Even the US is rumored to have asked China to intercede on America’s behalf with Iran and the Houthis in Yemen. The Houthis have been firing missiles at American and Israeli shipping in the Red Sea, forcing the rerouting of ships around the Horn of Africa instead of going through the Suez Canal, causing significant economic disruption. 

Despite its bases around the world, the mighty American military is virtually helpless against the Houthi rebels of Yemen and has no influence on Iran. The Houthis, by taking on the Americans in sympathy with the Gaza Palestinians, have gained worldwide prestige and recognition. China was unable to offer the US any remedy other than that President Joe Biden must persuade Israel to enact an immediate ceasefire.

When the tiny island nation of Nauru switched diplomatic relations from Republic of China (aka Taiwan) to the People’s Republic of China, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken flew to visit other island states in the South Pacific asking them to hold the line and not switch their diplomatic ties. In return, he promised billions of dollars to help out the governments.

‘White man can’t be trusted’

Blinken came and left, and no money followed from Washington. The heads of Palau and the Marshall Islands got impatient and wrote to Washington, first in the form of a private communication and then by public letter telling the world that the American word of honor isn’t worth very much.

At this point, the world sees the heretofore hegemon helpless before a ragtag band of rebels, hopeless in being able to stop Israel’s genocidal actions in Gaza, and offering checks to tiny island nations that can’t be cashed.

What about the US economic competition with China begun by then-president Donald Trump as he tried to “make America great again,” which was continued and even accentuated by his successor, President Joe Biden?

First of all, Trump’s assertion that tariffs imposed on imports from China were “free” money for the US Treasury is, to anyone that took Economics 101, as ludicrous as it sounds. Yet Biden continued the tariff policy because he was afraid of offending those American voters dumb enough to believe in Trump’s free money. (Explaining that import tariffs actually hurt the taxpayer’s pocketbook is much more challenging.)

Biden also doubled down by providing incentives to bring back manufacturing to the US, or at least “nearshoring” it out of China to friendlier countries. To his credit, the US enjoyed a modest return of manufacturing that can be highly automated and does not depend on skilled production workers who are no longer found in America.

Indeed, a good portion of manufacturing of low-value goods did leave China, a popular destination being Vietnam. The work ethic of the Vietnamese is comparable to that in China and thus enjoyed some degree of success. But these operations depend on the supply chains well established in China, and many, in fact, are actually owned by Chinese companies that relocated to Vietnam. 

Recent trade data show that while China’s direct export to the US has declined, its export to Vietnam and Mexico has significantly increased, in step with the latter increase in exports to the US. In other words, the supply chain lengthened, and became less efficient in direct response to American trade policy.

China’s production of electric vehicles is taking over the world by storm, becoming the No 1 exporter of cars, having surpassed Japan, Germany and South Korea. To keep Chinese EVs from the American market, Biden has added a 25% import tariff on them. China’s answer is to build an assembly plant in Mexico.

Biden’s strategy to bring back semiconductor manufacturing has also been significantly underwhelming, for a number of reasons. 

As Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) discovered, when it acceded to US pressure and moved an advanced production line to Phoenix, Arizona, the skilled workers needed to build and run the technologically challenging plant were lacking. The startup date for the inaugural operation has been pushed back by at least a year.

TSMC was promised billions of dollars in subsidy for the relocated fab and it is still waiting for the money. Meanwhile, American born and bred Intel, with a much less advanced new fab to be built in the US, is slated to get its billions in a timely manner. The likelihood of TSMC being left holding the bag should surprise no one.

China’s ‘collapse’ contrary to reality

Pundits in the mainstream media chortled in delight as they witnessed the recent bankruptcy of China’s major real-estate holding companies. They extrapolated and predicted negative growth for China’s economy, even a total collapse – again. See, for instance, a particularly incisive dissection of such buffoonery.  

Yet a paper published this year by the Switzerland-based Center for Economic Policy Research declared that “China is now the world’s sole manufacturing superpower. Its industrial production exceeds that of the nine next largest manufacturers combined,” three times as big as the US and six times as big as Japan. 

As the world’s manufacturing superpower, it’s no wonder that China can easily surpass the US in the making of weapons of war as well as industrial goods.

If Western observers hadn’t been so busy belittling China’s efforts, attributing progress to IP theft and copycat, they might have realized that China’s dominance in EVs, ship building, infrastructure building and high-speed train development were inevitable, as China responded to demands of a huge and growing domestic market.

Another response to competing with China is for the Biden White House to impose sanctions and export restrictions on high technology to China, in particular restrictions on access to semiconductor technology and chips for artificial intelligence.

Based on America’s prior experience with Russia, wherein economic sanctions and embargoes backfired and gave Russia a great boost in export to the world not aligned with the US and strengthened the value of ruble to new highs, Biden surely should have considered that China is too big for any effective stranglehold.

Indeed, last September Huawei surprised the US by introducing a smartphone that rivaled the latest Apple iPhone in function using its own chip design and made by a Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) fab inside China. Huawei was denied access to the fab services of TSMC for three years but found a way around the restrictions.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way around

Finding ways around American sanctions and embargoes is inevitable and a matter of time.

China has a population four times that of the US, generates six times as many science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduates every year, and has a middle-class consumer market larger than the total population of the US.

With industrial capability three times that of the US and a workforce that is technologically up to date, why should America resent being surpassed economically?

In the meantime, other than arguing about building the wall on the southern border to keep out the illegal immigrants, I haven’t seen much accomplished in rebuilding the infrastructure in America. Laughing out loud, the only story I saw reported early this year was the restoration of the Hamilton Bridge across the East River in New York City.

This was actually completed in 2013 and done by a Chinese construction company based in nearby New Jersey during friendlier times.

The US is running out of munitions to send to Ukraine, and the Houthis by the Red Sea are annoying as hell, like a gnat that couldn’t be swatted. Washington is not going to have much luck persuading the Taipei government to provoke the dragon across the Taiwan Strait, and is facing diminishing prestige around the world by the day.

Asia Times’ David Goldman writes about “Saving America’s future from the blob.” I see the “blob” as a more graphic term for the neocons running amok in Washington raising tensions everywhere in the world in the name of protecting national security. The more tension they caused, the more orders for next generation weapons are placed with the military industrial complex.

Americans pay for the weapons by raising the national debt and printing more money. The day will come when everybody in the world recognizes the steadily declining value of the dollar and decides not to hold on to the greenback any more. Backed by the dubious full faith and credit of a fading America, the US will be in a world of hurt.

Goldman concludes that “we cannot stop the rise of China, but we can rise faster.” Wow, we can? 

$500 million for China-bashing

What I have seen this month is a congressional allocation of $500 million for “negative news coverage of China.” I guess one way to stop the rise is to turn every rise into a story of China’s collapse. We are the most powerful propaganda machine in the world and we can (and have) portray every story just opposite to what is actually true.

Taking more than 700 million people out of poverty can be reported as human-rights atrocity. Re-education of Uighur young people to steer them away for terrorism can be seen as slave labor. The violent destruction of property and killing of innocent bystanders by Hong Kong protesters can be described, according to Nancy Pelosi, as a “beautiful” fight for democracy and freedom.

Pulling the wool over its own eyes is how America will fly into a mountain waiting in its flightpath.